Cold Calling Basics and Beyond – The Art of Hitting Home Runs with Cold Calls – Released
Cold calling can strike fear into your heart whether you are attempting to find techniques that really work, searching for the secret to cold calling success, trying to master the basics, cold calling for group insurance, considering telemarketing as a career, or just looking for a sample cold calling script or book.
The author contends that “if cold calling is a fearful and painful process for you — you’re not doing it right.” He reminds cold calling professionals and newcomers that recipients of calls tend to “mirror” the tone and attitude of the caller and that the greater portion of communication is actually nonverbal – even over the telephone.
Daniel Dreifus released Cold Call Champion – The Art Of Hitting Home Runs with Cold Calls, based on over 30 year’s experience developing sales leads in industries as diverse as insurance, real estate, commercial roofing and online marketing.
Cold Call Champion – The Art Of Hitting Home Runs With Cold Calls, is a comprehensive guide for everyone who uses the telephone to make a first contact.
Recommended scripts are included that involve creating a sense of responsibility within the listener to gain cooperation. The training program stresses the importance of questioning with the correct attitude and describes how to achieve better results by asking better questions.
The author maintains that by fostering a friendly, knowledgeable and professional tone, prospects will often thank you for calling even when they’re not interested, and that this kind of reception makes the entire process easier and more productive.
The educational program also covers the methods that have proven effective for “split testing” — developing incremental improvement in the scripts that one uses, to create a test bed for continuous improvement. Often the substitution of a single word or phrase can create dramatic improvements.
There is a section dedicated to covering “tough customers” and how to avoid falling into the trap that some people like to set for those who call them.
A discussion is included describing the most effective attitude for “connecting” with people over the phone, as well as how to leave voice messages, obtain email addresses, and develop an email promotional piece to send when prospects are unavailable by phone.
The program is available exclusively online at Amazon.